Resto Mod Certification

To learn more about RESTO MOD Judging, the following brochure will be helpful:
Resto Mod recognizes the seamless integration of today’s possibilities into yesterday’s performers by applying today's capabilities and styling enhancements that result in improved styling, handling, performance, and comfort to modern standards while retaining a classic original design. A Bloomington Gold Certified® Resto Mod is a Corvette that is modified more than 50% in all four of the folllowingsections: engine, chassis, exterior and interior.
2020 marked the first year that Bloomington Gold offered Resto Mod Certification. This is a growing hobby and we expect the number of Resto Mod's that are Certified by Bloomington Gold to expand rapidly in the coming years.
If you have specific questions about Resto Mod judging, please contact Guy Larsen at
If you have general questions about Bloomington Gold judging, contact Beth Brucker at